syntax = "proto2"; option java_package = ""; package transit_realtime; message FeedMessage { required FeedHeader header = 1; repeated FeedEntity entity = 2; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message FeedHeader { required string gtfs_realtime_version = 1; enum Incrementality { FULL_DATASET = 0; DIFFERENTIAL = 1; } optional Incrementality incrementality = 2 [default = FULL_DATASET]; optional uint64 timestamp = 3; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message FeedEntity { required string id = 1; optional bool is_deleted = 2 [default = false]; optional TripUpdate trip_update = 3; optional VehiclePosition vehicle = 4; optional Alert alert = 5; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message TripUpdate { required TripDescriptor trip = 1; optional VehicleDescriptor vehicle = 3; message StopTimeEvent { optional int32 delay = 1; optional int64 time = 2; optional int32 uncertainty = 3; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message StopTimeUpdate { optional uint32 stop_sequence = 1; optional string stop_id = 4; optional StopTimeEvent arrival = 2; optional StopTimeEvent departure = 3; enum ScheduleRelationship { SCHEDULED = 0; SKIPPED = 1; NO_DATA = 2; UNSCHEDULED = 3; // NEW } optional ScheduleRelationship schedule_relationship = 5 [default = SCHEDULED]; enum OccupancyStatus { EMPTY = 0; MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE = 1; FEW_SEATS_AVAILABLE = 2; STANDING_ROOM_ONLY = 3; CRUSHED_STANDING_ROOM_ONLY = 4; FULL = 5; NOT_ACCEPTING_PASSENGERS = 6; } optional OccupancyStatus departure_occupancy_status = 6; extensions 1000 to 1999; } repeated StopTimeUpdate stop_time_update = 2; optional uint64 timestamp = 4; optional int32 delay = 5; // NEW extensions 1000 to 1999; } message VehiclePosition { optional TripDescriptor trip = 1; optional VehicleDescriptor vehicle = 8; optional Position position = 2; optional uint32 current_stop_sequence = 3; optional string stop_id = 7; enum VehicleStopStatus { INCOMING_AT = 0; STOPPED_AT = 1; IN_TRANSIT_TO = 2; } optional VehicleStopStatus current_status = 4 [default = IN_TRANSIT_TO]; optional uint64 timestamp = 5; enum CongestionLevel { UNKNOWN_CONGESTION_LEVEL = 0; RUNNING_SMOOTHLY = 1; STOP_AND_GO = 2; CONGESTION = 3; SEVERE_CONGESTION = 4; // NEW } optional CongestionLevel congestion_level = 6; enum OccupancyStatus { EMPTY = 0; MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE = 1; FEW_SEATS_AVAILABLE = 2; STANDING_ROOM_ONLY = 3; CRUSHED_STANDING_ROOM_ONLY = 4; FULL = 5; NOT_ACCEPTING_PASSENGERS = 6; } optional OccupancyStatus occupancy_status = 9; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message Alert { repeated TimeRange active_period = 1; repeated EntitySelector informed_entity = 5; enum Cause { UNKNOWN_CAUSE = 1; OTHER_CAUSE = 2; // NEW TECHNICAL_PROBLEM = 3; STRIKE = 4; // NEW DEMONSTRATION = 5; // NEW ACCIDENT = 6; HOLIDAY = 7; WEATHER = 8; MAINTENANCE = 9; CONSTRUCTION = 10; POLICE_ACTIVITY = 11; MEDICAL_EMERGENCY = 12; } optional Cause cause = 6 [default = UNKNOWN_CAUSE]; enum Effect { NO_SERVICE = 1; REDUCED_SERVICE = 2; SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS = 3; DETOUR = 4; ADDITIONAL_SERVICE = 5; MODIFIED_SERVICE = 6; OTHER_EFFECT = 7; UNKNOWN_EFFECT = 8; STOP_MOVED = 9; NO_EFFECT = 10; // NEW ACCESSIBILITY_ISSUE = 11; // NEW } optional Effect effect = 7 [default = UNKNOWN_EFFECT]; optional TranslatedString url = 8; optional TranslatedString header_text = 10; optional TranslatedString description_text = 11; optional TranslatedString tts_header_text = 12; // NEW optional TranslatedString tts_description_text = 13; // NEW enum SeverityLevel { // NEW UNKNOWN_SEVERITY = 1; INFO = 2; WARNING = 3; SEVERE = 4; } optional SeverityLevel severity_level = 14; // NEW extensions 1000 to 1999; } // NEW // An addition to the GTFS static bundle message UpdateBundle{ // the name of the bundle to be updated. This is to allow consumers to update the correct bundle required string GTFSStaticBundle = 1; // This field is the update sequence ID. It should commence at 1 for the first update to a static bundle and increment by 1 for each successive update // The intent of this field is to allow the consumer to identify updates they may already have processed. required int32 update_sequence = 2; // repeated field to cancel scheduled trips in the bundle. This is the trip_id to cancel. repeated string cancelled_trip =4; } message TimeRange { optional uint64 start = 1; optional uint64 end = 2; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message Position { required float latitude = 1; required float longitude = 2; optional float bearing = 3; optional double odometer = 4; optional float speed = 5; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message TripDescriptor { optional string trip_id = 1; optional string route_id = 5; optional uint32 direction_id = 6; // NEW optional string start_time = 2; optional string start_date = 3; enum ScheduleRelationship { SCHEDULED = 0; ADDED = 1; UNSCHEDULED = 2; CANCELED = 3; REPLACEMENT = 5; // KEEP IT } optional ScheduleRelationship schedule_relationship = 4; extensions 1000 to 1999; } message VehicleDescriptor { optional string id = 1; optional string label = 2; optional string license_plate = 3; extensions 1000 to 1999; } // NEW message TfnswVehicleDescriptor { optional bool air_conditioned = 1 [default = false]; optional int32 wheelchair_accessible = 2 [default = 0]; optional string vehicle_model = 3; optional bool performing_prior_trip = 4 [default = false]; optional int32 special_vehicle_attributes = 5 [default = 0]; } // NEW message CarriageDescriptor { optional string name = 1; required int32 position_in_consist=2; enum OccupancyStatus { EMPTY = 0; MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE = 1; FEW_SEATS_AVAILABLE = 2; STANDING_ROOM_ONLY = 3; CRUSHED_STANDING_ROOM_ONLY = 4; FULL = 5; } optional OccupancyStatus occupancy_status = 3; optional bool quiet_carriage = 4 [default = false]; enum ToiletStatus { NONE = 0; NORMAL = 1; ACCESSIBLE = 2; } optional ToiletStatus toilet = 5; optional bool luggage_rack = 6 [default = false]; optional OccupancyStatus departure_occupancy_status = 7; //08/6/22 - Changed to Departure Occupancy Status to ensure its in line with GTFS-R Specifications( extensions 1000 to 1999; } message EntitySelector { optional string agency_id = 1; optional string route_id = 2; optional int32 route_type = 3; optional TripDescriptor trip = 4; optional string stop_id = 5; optional uint32 direction_id = 6; // NEW extensions 1000 to 1999; } message TranslatedString { message Translation { required string text = 1; optional string language = 2; extensions 1000 to 1999; // NEW } repeated Translation translation = 1; extensions 1000 to 1999; // NEW } /// --- TfNSW Extensions enum TrackDirection { UP = 0; DOWN = 1; } extend transit_realtime.FeedEntity { optional UpdateBundle update = 1007; // NEW } extend transit_realtime.VehiclePosition { repeated CarriageDescriptor consist = 1007; } extend transit_realtime.Position { optional TrackDirection track_direction = 1007; // NEW } extend transit_realtime.VehicleDescriptor { optional TfnswVehicleDescriptor tfnsw_vehicle_descriptor = 1007; // NEW } extend transit_realtime.TripUpdate.StopTimeUpdate { repeated CarriageDescriptor carriage_seq_predictive_occupancy = 1007; // NEW - 22/2/22 - Predictive Real Time Occupancy added to TripUpdate->Stop Time Update }