// // TFNSW Aus extensions for the GTFS-realtime protocol. // option java_package = "com.google.transit.realtime"; package transit_realtime; import "gtfs-realtime.proto"; message TfnswVehicleDescriptor { // The TfnswVehicleDescriptor extends the GTFS vehicle message to provide additional vehicle attribute information to the consuming application optional bool air_conditioned = 1 [default = false]; // Indicates the availability of air-conditioning on this vehicle optional int32 wheelchair_accessible = 2 [default = 0]; // Indicates the number of wheel chairs that can be accommodated on this vehicle optional string vehicle_model = 3; // A the type of vehicle performing this trip optional bool performing_prior_trip = 4 [default = false]; // An indicator used to display the location of vehicles that will execute this upon completion of their current trip optional int32 special_vehicle_attributes = 5 [default = 0]; // Used to pass ad-hoc temporary additional vehicle attribute information, for example Christmas buses } extend transit_realtime.VehicleDescriptor { optional TfnswVehicleDescriptor tfnsw_vehicle_descriptor = 1007; }