230 datasets found

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  • Sydney Light Rail Stop Guides

    The Sydney light rail network is a light rail system serving the Australian city of Sydney. The network currently consists of three passenger routes, the L1 Dulwich Hill, L2...
  • Speed Zones

    Speed zones are set to enable drivers travelling at a speed limit to safely respond to potential risks in the road environment. This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones...
  • Timetables Complete GTFS

    Static timetables, stop locations, and route shape information in General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format for all operators, including regional, trackwork and transport...
  • Timetables Complete TransXChange

    Static timetables and stop locations in TransXChange (TXC) format for all operators, including regional and private operators and routes not currently available in realtime...
  • On-Demand Patronage

    On Demand Public Transport Services - Patronage This dataset contains the monthly patronage data for On Demand Public Transport services. The numbers represent total successful...
  • NSW Roads Traffic Volume Counts API

    RMS has permanent and temporary roadside collection devices which continuously collect traffic information data. Through the Traffic Volume Counts API, traffic count data from...
  • Bike Shed Usage

    Bike sheds are enclosed shared shelters where you can store your bicycle out of the weather, free of charge. They accommodate between 20 and 50 bicycles, depending on...
  • Bike Parking

    Bike sheds and lockers' locations, including latitude and longitude, quantity and asset IDs. Bike sheds and lockers help to keep your bicycle, helmet and associated equipment...
  • Network Maps

    This dataset contains network maps in PDF format for the NSW Transport network.
  • Bus Guides for Metro stations

    This dataset provides Bus Guides for 13 Metro Stations along the Sydney Metro North West Line, including 8 new metro stations along the Chatswood to Sydenham extension due to...