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Maritime NSW Aid to Navigation
This dataset provides all known aids to maritime navigation in NSW, including both private and public channel markers. The key attribute is symbology which contains a numeric... -
Maritime NSW Public Moorings
This dataset includes spatial datasets of Maritime NSW Public Moorings locations in the following formats: a searchable api csv geoJSON JSON kml shapefile An interactive map... -
Maritime Boat Ramp
This page has been superseded. Please navigate to the Maritime NSW Boat Ramp page. Boat ramps with attributes as displayed on the boat-ramp locator on the RMS website. -
Maritime NSW Boat Ramps
This dataset provides the locations of Maritime NSW boat ramps along with details such as the responsible authority, ramp condition, contact details and the available facilities... -
Maritime Public Wharf
Public wharves, jetties and landing facilities. -
Maritime Restricted Zone
Areas of restricted waters for port security or naval purposes. -
Maritime Web Camera
Locations of web cameras, including links to the RMS website for viewing of live feeds. -
Maritime Coastal Bar
Indicative locations of coastal bars as described in the Marine Safety Regulation 2016. -
Maritime No Wash Zone
Areas where the generation of wash is prohibited as designated by signs along the waterway. -
Maritime No Towing Zone
Areas where towing of persons is prohibited as designated by signs along the waterway.