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Greater Sydney & Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Performance Data
This dataset provides monthly measures for on-time running, service cancellations, customer complaints, and customer experience metrics across all Greater Sydney Bus Contract... -
Travel Zones 2006
Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA) has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s... -
Travel Zones 2016
Travel Zones (TZs) are the spatial unit of geography defined by Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA), a business unit within Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The TZ spatial layer... -
Travel Zones 1991
TPA has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s data collection, transport modelling... -
Travel Zones 1996
TPA has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s data collection, transport modelling... -
Travel Zones 2011
Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA) has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s... -
Household Travel Survey
Household Travel Survey (HTS) is the most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). This data explores average weekday travel... -
Digital Equity and Inclusion in Western Parkland City
The Western Parkland City Digital Equity and Inclusion project shows the localised findings of targeted research aimed at benchmarking digital inclusion across the Western... -
Fare Compliance Survey Results Data
This dataset provides results data from the Fare Compliance Survey Results reports from November 2012 to the latest report (the surveys were not conducted in 2020 due to Covid).... -
Key Roads Performance Report
The Key Roads Performance report outlines the time it takes to travel along major road routes in NSW during peak periods. The trips described in this report cover many major...