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Speed Zones
Speed zones are set to enable drivers travelling at a speed limit to safely respond to potential risks in the road environment. This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones... -
Maritime NSW Aid to Navigation
This dataset provides all known aids to maritime navigation in NSW, including both private and public channel markers. The key attribute is symbology which contains a numeric... -
Maritime NSW Public Moorings
This dataset includes spatial datasets of Maritime NSW Public Moorings locations in the following formats: a searchable api csv geoJSON JSON kml shapefile An interactive map... -
NSW Rest Areas
The NSW Rest Areas dataset provides information on rest area sites managed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and other authorities, including local councils and the National Parks... -
NSW level crossings on public roads
This dataset encompasses all railway level crossings on public roads in New South Wales that are currently documented in the Australian Level Crossing Assessment Model (ALCAM)... -
NSW Bus Routes
The spatial datasets for NSW Bus Routes and includes contracted Greater Sydney Metro and Outer Metro bus routes along with rural and regional contracted bus services. The... -
Maritime NSW Boat Ramps
This dataset provides the locations of Maritime NSW boat ramps along with details such as the responsible authority, ramp condition, contact details and the available facilities... -
Sydney Train Routes
This spatial dataset includes the train lines generated from the shape.txt file in the Sydney Trains GTFS static bundle. Spatial route datasets included in the following formats... -
Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 - Road Closures
This dataset details the road closures for the Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 on the 15th October 2017 -
Sydney Region Pop-up Cycleway
This dataset includes pop-up cycleways in key commuter areas across the city to promote walking and bike riding. The pop-up cycleways is part of a set of initiatives developed...