55 datasets found

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  • Opal Trips - Light Rail

    This dataset contains Official Light Rail Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering and exiting a Light Rail station), is aggregated to...
  • Opal Trips - Bus

    This dataset contains Official Bus Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual boarding and alighting a bus) is aggregated to a total monthly...
  • Opal Trips - All Modes

    This dataset contains a consolidated view of Official Utilisation figures across all transport modes (train, metro, bus, ferry and light rail). Opal daily tap-on/tap-off data is...
  • Traffic Lights Location

    This dataset contains the location of the traffic lights in New South Wales.
  • Transport Park&Ride car park locations

    Transport Park&Ride provides up to 18 hours free parking each day. Customers are eligible to free parking by completing a public transport journey by tapping on and off...
  • Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 - Road Closures

    This dataset details the road closures for the Sydney Spring Cycle 2017 on the 15th October 2017
  • Sculpture by the Sea - Road Closures

    This dataset details the road closures for Sculpture by the Sea (Thursday 19 October to Sunday 5 November)
  • Travel Zones 2016

    Travel Zones (TZs) are the spatial unit of geography defined by Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA), a business unit within Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The TZ spatial layer...
  • Off-Street Parking

    Parking spaces that are available for service and delivery drivers in Sydney’s CBD (at commercial rates). Returns ZIP file containing GeoJSON and CSV files.
  • EV Charging Locations

    As Electric Vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, it's essential that EV charging infrastructure quality and accessibility evolves. Our aim is to enhance the driving experience...