Public Transport - Timetables - For Realtime v2
Static timetables, stop locations, pathways for trains, and route shape information in GTFS format for operators that support realtime. -
Trip Planner APIs
Create your own personal public transport trip planner. APIs interact with the transportnsw.info trip planner and provide the ability for NSW public transport trip planning,... -
Temporary and/or Sample GTFS data
This dataset contains sample or test data to be used by app developers for feedback. -
More Trains More Services (MTMS) Data Bundle
Sydney Trains GTFS More Trains More Services data feed and a route reference file that we use to map the route ID to the lines in the trip planner. -
Historic Alerts
This dataset contains a spreadsheet with public transport alert information for June to December 2017. -
TfNSW Trip Planning Widget
The official Transport for NSW trip planning widget is available to display on your own website. Your customers can plan their own trip and be directed to transportnsw.info. To... -
Historical GTFS and GTFS Realtime
This dataset contains historical GTFS and GTFS Realtime data. The GTFS Realtime data includes GTFS vehicle position, GTFS trip update and GTFS timetable. Initially, it provides... -
GTFS Pathways
This dataset contains selected train stations that have been mapped in accordance with GTFS Pathways format: https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference#pathwaystxt... -
Public Transport - Realtime - Alerts - v2
Realtime alerts at either the stop, trip, or service line level in GTFS-realtime format for Bus, Train, Ferry, Light Rail, Metro and Coaches. -
BOAM - Bus Opal Assignment Model
This dataset provides an indicator of historic bus occupancy for individual bus services from January 2020.