54 datasets found

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  • Opal Trips - Train and Metro

    This dataset contains Official Train and Metro Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a station), is allocated to a...
  • Opal Trips - Ferry

    This dataset contains Official Ferry Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a wharf), is allocated to a route and...
  • Opal Trips - Light Rail

    This dataset contains Official Light Rail Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering and exiting a Light Rail station), is aggregated to...
  • Opal Trips - Bus

    This dataset contains Official Bus Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual boarding and alighting a bus) is aggregated to a total monthly...
  • Opal Trips - All Modes

    This dataset contains a consolidated view of Official Utilisation figures across all transport modes (train, metro, bus, ferry and light rail). Opal daily tap-on/tap-off data is...
  • Maritime NSW Boat Ramps

    This dataset provides the locations of Maritime NSW boat ramps along with details such as the responsible authority, ramp condition, contact details and the available facilities...
  • Reference Tables for TfNSW GTFS feeds

    Reference tables for TfNSW data. A complete list of agencies and how they are defined in each GTFS feed. Using Complete GTFS + Real-Time GTFS feeds The reference tables...
  • Traffic Lights Location

    This dataset contains the location of the traffic lights in New South Wales.
  • NSW TrainLink sales agent details

    This dataset contains details for NSW TrainLink sales agents, including address, telephone number, opening hours and latitude/longitude. This data is also available at the...
  • NSW Rest Areas

    The NSW Rest Areas dataset provides information on rest area sites managed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and other authorities, including local councils and the National Parks...