Transport for NSW Driver Licence Test Statistics
These datasets contain the total number of Driver and Rider Testing transactions. The data includes: The count (number) of driver and rider test per month for a given year. The... -
Infrastructure Cycleway Data
Shapefile for the TfNSW bicycle network maintained by Roads and Maritime Services. This dataset is automatically updated monthly when changes occur. -
Employment Projections
Transport for NSW provides projections of employment at the small area (Travel Zone or TZ) level for NSW. The latest version is Travel Zone Projections 2024 (TZP24), released in... -
Population Projections
Transport for NSW provides projections of population and dwellings at the small area (Travel Zone or TZ) level for NSW. The latest version is Travel Zone Projections 2024... -
Workforce Projections
Transport for NSW provides projections of workforce at the small area (Travel Zone or TZ) level for NSW. The latest version is Travel Zone Projections 2024 (TZP24), released in... -
Train and Metro Station Entries and Exits Data
The counts of train and metro station entries and exits are derived from samples representing 'typical days' and monthly data. Please note that the dataset is updated according... -
Buses - On-time Running
This dataset provides the Sydney Metropolitan and Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Contract on time running results from 2010 onward. Until June 2017, Transport for NSW monitored... -
Freight Data
These data sets contain freight forecast, performance and other statistics. The data includes: Strategic Freight Forecasts - NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts for... -
Opal Trips - Train and Metro
This dataset contains Official Train and Metro Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a station), is allocated to a... -
Opal Trips - Ferry
This dataset contains Official Ferry Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a wharf), is allocated to a route and...