Freight Data

These data sets contain freight forecast, performance and other statistics. The data includes:

  • Strategic Freight Forecasts - NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts for the 40 year period between 2016 to 2056
  • Freight performance dashboard – Strategic Targets from NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023 including
    • Use of rail freight
    • Road safety
    • Rail freight access
    • Rail freight capability
    • Port Botany Efficiency

Detailed information for drivers and rationale used to produce NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts can be found in the NSW Freight Commodity Demand Forecasts 2016-56 Report. A visualisation of the Strategic Freight Forecasts is available on the Transport for NSW Website under Freight data.

Additional information on above Strategic Targets is available in the NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023. Visualisations of the Strategic Targets are available on the Transport for NSW Website under Freight data.

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Maintainer TfNSW Open Data Hub and Developer Portal
Last Updated October 24, 2024, 10:34 (UTC)
Created August 14, 2018, 07:09 (UTC)