230 datasets found

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  • Timetables Complete TransXChange

    Static timetables and stop locations in TransXChange (TXC) format for all operators, including regional and private operators and routes not currently available in realtime...
  • Timetables Complete GTFS

    Static timetables, stop locations, and route shape information in General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format for all operators, including regional, trackwork and transport...
  • Reference Tables for TfNSW GTFS feeds

    Reference tables for TfNSW data. A complete list of agencies and how they are defined in each GTFS feed. Using Complete GTFS + Real-Time GTFS feeds The reference tables...
  • Transport Routes

    This API provides information about the operators which are contracted to Transport for NSW. It provides the route and service by Operator. This data is also considered a master...
  • Speed Zones

    Speed zones are set to enable drivers travelling at a speed limit to safely respond to potential risks in the road environment. This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones...
  • NSW Roads Traffic Volume Counts API

    RMS has permanent and temporary roadside collection devices which continuously collect traffic information data. Through the Traffic Volume Counts API, traffic count data from...
  • NSW Rest Areas

    The NSW Rest Areas dataset provides information on rest area sites managed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and other authorities, including local councils and the National Parks...
  • Transport for NSW Vehicle Registration Statistics

    These datasets contain the total number of Registration transactions and Statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Registered Vehicle Transactions per month for a given...
  • Public Transport - Location Facilities and Operators

    Operator contact details and location facilities for train stations, ferry wharves and bus interchanges. Gateway API is provided for legacy applications, this data is no longer...
  • NSW TrainLink Regional Train And Coaches Statistics

    This dataset contains NSW Trainlink train and coach (bus) utilisation figures. The data is aggregated to a total monthly figure representing the estimated number of trips. The...